Me in Kindergarden |
There was once a little girl who was born on July 21, 1994
in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She was the second child and had a brother who was
only one year and half when she was born. Her mother named her Miosottis that
was her mothers name too. Her grandfather had a heart surgery done before she
was born, but the surgery was a very extended and delicate one so the doctors
planned the second part for June, but it was prolonged, because her grandfather
wanted to wait until his daughter gave birth to the girl which he always said
that was going to be born with light color eyes, brownish skin and curly hair,
and when he saw her for the first time he said “Just as I said she was going to
be”. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the
opportunity to have that second surgery and passed away two months later and
she doesn’t have memories of him, just the stories her mom, grandmother and
relatives say.
When she was almost two years old her mother started
teaching her and her brother how to write their names, numbers, colors, letters
and prepared them for when they had to go to school. Miosottis took ballet and
assisted to volleyball clinics, to learn how to interact with other kids. The
first school she went to was St. Mary's School and then from kindergarten
through twelfth grade she went to Espiritu Santo School. She had great memories
of her elementary, junior and high school. She was in most of the clubs that
were in school, and participated in the Talent Shows, dancing since seventh
grade. Also belonged to the volleyball team since fourth grade until she
graduated from high school. She was selected the treasurer from the board of
her class since 6th grade until 11th grade, but in her senior year she ran for the
treasurer of the Student Council, and she made it. This opportunity made her
more communicative with the teachers, parents and students from different
grades. She always had such an active life and her parents always backed her up
in everything, specially her father.
my brother and me when we were little |
This girl had a perfect life until the year 2007, when her
father was diagnosed with hepatitis in his liver. She was only thirteen years
old and this marked her life. She couldn’t count on her dad most of the time
any more, he was always sick. His feet were always swollen, what ever he ate
made him nauseous and with an upset stomach. He had to stop working and his
attitude with his wife and children changed completely, while the condition
kept progressing. It was necessary a liver transplant as soon as possible but
since he had to stop working, it was difficult for the family to move somewhere
else and try to cure the father, because in Puerto Rico this surgery was not
done. Her mother found a job and took the responsibility of the house. The
family suffered for three years the changes in the household, economically, the
problems in the family, due to her fathers attitude and her brother got rebel.
But her mother cried every night and prayed to God to help her and her family
to get through those difficult moments. And finally in 2010 God heard her
prayers. The father’s doctor got him an opportunity to go to Memphis, Tennessee
to get a liver transplant. In December 2010, Carlos received his liver
transplant and Miosottis received the news while she was in a Family Day in
school and the priest said it through the speaker. She started crying and her
brother too and thanked God for that big miracle, because he was running out of
time and he could have died. That they was a great day, but the best day was
when he return back to Puerto Rico and saw him totally different that when he
left. It like he had life again. He was totally a new person physically and
emotionally even though he had to continue drinking for life a medication,
which avoids any rejection of the new liver.
With my Mom and Dad |
Now that she is in college she still has and active life,
studying and have three jobs. Now she is coursing her fourth year of college in
the University of Puerto Rico and is preparing herself to have her dream come
true at being someday a Pharmacist. She is doing a Bachelor in
Interdisciplinary Studies and then planning to do a Master in Pharmacy in the
Medical Science Campus. With Gods help and her dedication and effort this will
happen soon.